Saturday, February 11, 2017

Giada's @Cromwell Spring 2016

Okay, she’s hot.  No one is going to argue that.  She is also Italian so the odds of her being batshit crazy is also pretty probable.  All those things aside, this women couldn’t have gotten famous as a chef if she wasn’t actually good at it to begin with; right.  Well this is her first restaurant ever anywhere so if you want first hand knowledge, here's your chance

Giada’s is Cromwell’s only dining option and it is brilliantly located on the 2nd floor, basically in the same spot the famous Barbary Coast/Bill’s cascading neon signage formerly resided.  As has become the newest fade in Vegas, that this show can’t encourage enough, it offers outdoor dining, right on the strip…well, elevated above the strip.

The restaurant is described as Italian cuisine with refreshing California influences.  To encourage perfect pronunciation, the menu phonetically spells out how to pronounce bastardized words like Spaghetti and Rigatoni. But let’s not focus on the pretentious and let's get to the food.

Rating (scale of 1-5) 

Mark & Keren  5/5 

Alastair  4.5/5